NASA graduates new astronaut class as it begins recruiting for more

“The Flies” are ready to fly, so NASA is again in need of some new flyboys (and gals).

On the same day that the space agency welcomed its latest class of astronauts, nicknamed “The Flies,” into its corps, NASA announced it is again accepting applications for its next group of candidates for flights to the International Space Station, the moon and, eventually, missions to Mars.

“The breadth and depth of experience that this class brings to our space program is nothing short of amazing,” Shannon Walker, deputy chief of NASA’s Astronaut Office and “class mom” for the Group 23 astronauts, said at their graduation ceremony held at the Johnson Space Center in Houston on Tuesday (March 5). 

“This class does have unique and special talents that they bring to NASA,” Walker added. “And in fact, we believe that everyone has a special talent that they can bring to our astronaut corps. And that is why we are so excited to announce that we are taking applications again.”


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