2024 solar eclipse: Updates, live video, and photos

Happy 2024 eclipse!

Astronomy Magazine’s Dave Eicher and Michael Bakich talked everything eclipse during a live stream April 1, a week before the big day. You can watch it below:

Some of what they covered included:

  • The Science and History of Solar Eclipses: The celestial mechanics that make solar eclipses possible
  • Viewing Tips & Safety: How to watch the eclipse safely and ensure you get the best possible experience
  • Photography and Equipment Advice: Suggestions on how to capture the eclipse with cameras and telescopes
  • Interactive Q&A: Questions from Reddit

Here’s a few more resources to learn about the April 8 eclipse:

What should I do if I can’t see the eclipse?

NASA is a great source to watch it live. Here’s the main feed:

Astronomy Magazine editors and reporters will be on the scene from Mexico to Dallas to Indianapolis to take in the eclipse. We’ll update this article live April 8 with their photos plus the best from around the Internet.

The 2024 total eclipse countdown timer ⏱️

The time remaining until the 2024 total eclipse begins in Mexico around 11:07 a.m. Pacific on April 8.


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