Chinese astronauts install space-junk shielding on Tiangong space station (video)

Two Chinese astronauts continued installing space debris protection outside the nation’s Tiangong space station this week.

Ye Guangfu and Li Cong, two members of the three-person Shenzhou 18 mission, spent about 6.5 hours working outside Tiangong on Wednesday (July 3). Li Guangsu assisted the expedition from inside Tiangong, operating the station’s robotic arm.

The main task was installing space debris protection outside the orbiting laboratory. After this, Li Cong mounted the robotic arm and conducted an extravehicular inspection of the space station’s facilities through his helmet camera.

A Shenzhou 18 astronaut conducts a spacewalk outside China’s Tiangong space station on July 3, 2024. (Image credit: CCTV)

The pair returned to Tiangong via the extravehicular activity (EVA) hatch of the Wentian science module.


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