As the James Webb Space Telescope Dazzles Again, CSA Opens a New Opportunity

The Canadian Space Agency has published a new announcement of opportunity (AO) for the James Webb Space Telescope offering grants up to $100,000 with upwards of $1M available in this cycle.

Cycle 3 General Observers (GO) Projects AO was announced on July 5th and has a closing date of August 9, 2024 for proposals. Projects are expected to start this fall with a maximum two year timeframe for the projects.

The AO is open to Canadian universities and post-secondary institutions with two categories of grants available, Category A – PI/Co-PI projects: up to $100,000 and Category B – Co-I only projects: up to $50,000.

In its introduction to the AO, the CSa states, “As one of the international partners attached to the JWST mission, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has negotiated that at least five percent of JWST general observing time shall be granted to Canadian astronomers over the mission lifetime. This announcement of opportunity is to request proposals from Canadian astronomers granted observing time through NASA’s Cycle 3 General Observers (GO) call for proposals. The Cycle 3 GO call for proposals has been issued on August 15th, 2023 with a deadline of October 25th, 2023. Canadian astronomers must have first submitted a winning proposal to NASA’s call for proposals (as a Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI or Co-I) to be considered in the context of this CSA Announcement of Opportunity (AO).”

It’s been two years since the Webb telescope began to deliver the science that was hoped for. To mark that anniversary a new image was released today (above) and shows “the interacting galaxies of Arp 142 that combines Webb’s NIRCam and MIRI instrument images.”


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