Photographer recreates NASA's epic Artemis 1 launch with Lego (video)

LEGO Artemis SLS Rocket Toy Photography | How It’s Made? – YouTube
LEGO Artemis SLS Rocket Toy Photography | How It's Made? - YouTube

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To glance at the images above, you’d be hard pushed to not think you were looking at a real rocket launch. But they’re actually works of art, created by Benedek Lampert using Lego’s NASA Artemis Space Launch System set. By using some clever photography techniques — and the use of some rather nifty lighting — he’s been able to create an incredible likeness without ever stepping foot near the actual NASA Artemis 1 launch.

The similarity is striking. That’s in part, of course, to Lego creating an incredible scale model — something it has become known for in recent years thanks to the company’s long-standing relationship with NASA


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