This Week In Space podcast: Episode 124 —Space For Everyone

Space For Everyone – A Chat with STEM Advocate Czarina Salido – YouTube
Space For Everyone - A Chat with STEM Advocate Czarina Salido - YouTube

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On Episode 124 of This Week In Space, Rod Pyle and Tariq Malik talk with Czarina Salido about the underrepresentation of women in STEM fields.

Salido, a physics graduate of mixed Mexican and Native American heritage, founded Taking Up Space in 2014. This nonprofit aims to address the underrepresentation of women, particularly Native American girls, in STEM fields. Based near Tucson, the organization provides mentoring, instruction, and Space Camp scholarships to disadvantaged girls on a nearby reservation.

Salido’s initiative has gained recognition in the STEM community and inspired similar efforts nationwide. Join us as we discuss her work’s challenges and successes in this episode of This Week in Space!

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