Rover trials demonstrate autonomous sampling capabilities in UK quarry

Rover trials demonstrate autonomous sampling capabilities in UK quarry

by Erica Marchand

Paris, France (SPX) Sep 11, 2024

European Space Agency (ESA) engineers are advancing the capabilities of autonomous Mars rovers, as demonstrated in recent trials conducted in a UK quarry. The ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover, nicknamed “Codi,” showcased its ability to locate and retrieve sample tubes using its robotic arm and sophisticated computer vision system.

Codi drove to the sample locations with a remarkable accuracy of 10 cm, continuously mapping the surrounding terrain. The rover utilized four cameras to locate the sample tubes, which were similar in appearance to lightsabers, and retrieved them without human intervention. At each stop, stereo cameras mapped the area in a 180-degree view, allowing Codi to plan its next maneuvers. Once parked, the rover’s mast-mounted camera pinpointed the position of the sample tube, enabling the robotic arm to execute a series of precise movements to collect and safely store the sample.

The testing site’s reddish terrain, filled with rocks and slopes, provides a landscape that mimics the challenging conditions on Mars. Although not a perfect representation of Martian soil, the quarry’s dynamic environment is crucial for testing rover systems in ways that cannot be achieved indoors. These trials are a vital part of ESA’s ongoing efforts to refine and expand rover capabilities in preparation for future Mars missions.

Read the full article: Rovers, lightsabres and a piglet here.

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ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover

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