Black hole 'bullets' fired at Mars could reveal more about dark matter

Primordial black hole “bullets,” traveling at speeds greater than 7,000 times the speed of sound, may be punching through our solar system — and they could be causing a tiny wobble in Mars’ motion. Ultimately, measuring this wobble could help crack one of the most pressing mysteries in science: the true nature of dark matter.

Scientists believe primordial black holes were created at the beginning of time. These objects are very different from so-called “astrophysical black holes” like Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) that sits at the heart of the Milky Way. For instance, while Sgr A* has a mass of around 4.3 million times that of the sun, primordial black holes are hypothesized to be about as massive as an asteroid or small moon, and be vastly smaller than atoms.


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