NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #1,129 20 December 2024 (Space Life Science Research Results)

editorAstrobiology2 months ago44 Views

NASA Spaceline Current Awareness List #1,129 20 December 2024 (Space Life Science Research Results)

The abstract in PubMed or at the publisher’s site is linked when available and will open in a new window.

  • Shirah B, Overbey EG, Foox J, Hirschberg JW, Kim J, Ryon K, Proszynski J, Meydan C, Najjar D, Collier P, LeRoy E, Pandya S, Gonzalez Y, Persad AH, Ahmed MM, Bukhari H, Naseer MI, Ashemimry MN, Taylor L, Al-Turki TM, Klotz R, Yu M, Sen J, Bailey SM, Mason CE.Telomere length dynamics associated with short-duration human spaceflight.In: Shirah B, ed. Neuroscience Research in Short-Duration Human Spaceflight. Academic Press, 2025. p. 125-43.PI: PI: C.E. MasonFunding: PI reports NASA grant funding #80NSSC23K0832 and # NNX14AH50G.
  • Elsangeedy E, Yamaleyeva DN, Edenhoffer NP, Deak A, Soloshenko A, Ray J, Sun X, Shaltout OH, Cruz-Diaz N, Westwood B, Kim-Shapiro D, Diz DI, Soker S, Pulgar VM, Ronca A, Willey JS, Yamaleyeva LM.Sex-specific cardiovascular adaptations to simulated microgravity in Sprague-Dawley rats.npj Microgravity. 2024 Dec 19;10(1):110.PIs: J.S. Willey, A. RoncaNote: Hindlimb unloading study. This article may be obtained online without charge.

    Journal Impact Factor: 5.1

    Funding: J.S. Willey reports NASA grant # NNX15AB50G funding. A. Ronca is affiliated with NASA Ames Research Center.

  • Addante RJ, Clise E, Waechter R, Bengson J, Drane DL, Perez-Caban J.Context familiarity is a third kind of episodic memory distinct from item familiarity and recollection.iScience. 2024 Dec 20;27(12):111439.Note: This article may be obtained online without charge.

    Journal Impact Factor: 4.6

    Funding: “Funding support of this work came from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which included grants 2 L30 NS112849-03, 2 L30 NS112849-02, and 1 L30 NS112849-01 awarded to R.J.A. from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), from Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) grants to R.J.A. from the Institutional Research Incentive (IRI) program. Authors thank the Florida Tech Provost Office of Dr. Marco Carvalho for generously providing direct funds to support the project. D.L.D. received support from grants R01 NS124585 from the NIH/NINDS and A1321808 from Medtronic, Inc. J.P.C. and R.J.A. received support from a NASA/FL Space Consortium Grant.”

  • Weiss H, Stirling L.Augmented reality assessments to support human spaceflight performance evaluation.Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2024 Nov;95(11):831-40.PI: L. StirlingNote: From the abstract: “As next-generation space exploration missions require increased autonomy from crews, real-time diagnostics of astronaut health and performance are essential for mission operations, especially for determining extravehicular activity readiness. An augmented reality (AR) system may be a viable tool allowing holographic visual cueing to replace physical objects used in traditional assessments.”

    Journal Impact Factor: 0.889

    Funding: PI reports NASA grant #80NSSC20K0409 funding.

  • Zero M, Klaus D, Arquilla K, Fanchiang C.Defining and measuring crewmember operational state for spaceflight operations.Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2024 Dec;95(12):919-29. Review.PI: C. FanchiangNote: This article may be obtained online without charge.

    Journal Impact Factor: 0.889

    Funding: PI reports “HCAAM VNSCOR: Using a Human Capabilities Framework to Quantify Crew Task Performance in Human-Robotic Systems” funding.

  • Bergstrom AR, Glimm MG, Houske EA, Cooper G, Viles E, Chapman M, Bourekis K, Welhaven HD, Brahmachary PP, Hahn AK, June RK.Metabolic profiles of encapsulated chondrocytes exposed to short-term simulated microgravity.Ann Biomed Eng. 2024 Dec 18.Note: A rotating wall vessel was used in this study. This article may be obtained online without charge.

    Journal Impact Factor: 3.0

    Funding: “Research reported in this publication was supported by the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust under Award Number FSU-2017207 (AKH), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Award Number 80NSSC20M0042 (AKH), the National Science Foundation under Award Number CMMI 1554708 (RKJ), and the National Institutes of Health under Award Numbers R01AR073964 (RKJ). Funding for the Mass Spectrometry Facility used in this publication was made possible by the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (P20GM103474 and S10OD28650).”

  • Heneka MT, van der Flier WM, Jessen F, Hoozemanns J, Thal DR, Boche D, Brosseron F, Teunissen C, Zetterberg H, Jacobs AH, Edison P, Ramirez A, Cruchaga C, Lambert J-C, Laza AR, Sanchez-Mut JV, Fischer A, Castro-Gomez S, Stein TD, Kleineidam L, Wagner M, Neher JJ, Cunningham C, Singhrao SK, Prinz M, Glass CK, Schlachetzki JCM, Butovsky O, Kleemann K, De Jaeger PL, Scheiblich H, Brown GC, Landreth G, Moutinho M, Grutzendler J, Gomez-Nicola D, McManus RM, Andreasson K, Ising C, Karabag D, Baker DJ, Liddelow SA, Verkhratsky A, Tansey M, Monsonego A, Aigner L, Dorothée G, Nave K-A, Simons M, Constantin G, Rosenzweig N, Pascual A, Petzold GC, Kipnis J, Venegas C, Colonna M, Walter J, Tenner AJ, O’Banion MK, Steinert JR, Feinstein DL, Sastre M, Bhaskar K, Hong S, Schafer DP, Golde T, Ransohoff RM, Morgan D, Breitner J, Mancuso R, Riechers S-P.Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer disease.Nat Rev Immunol. 2024 Dec 9.PI: M.K. O’BanionNote: This article may be obtained online without charge.

    Journal Impact Factor: 67.7

    Funding: “…M.K.O. is supported by grant 80NSSC21K0542 from NASA. …”

  • Pischulti PK, Duke TL, Smith AL, Klaus DM, Amick RZ.Surveying and assessing ‘smart’ technologies to identify potential applications for deep space human exploration missions.Acta Astronaut. 2024 Sep 1;222:534-49.Note: From the abstract: “Human exploration of Mars and beyond will demand unprecedented levels of self-sufficiency due to the exceedingly far distances from Earth and lengthy mission durations. As such, astronaut crews must be able to function in a progressively autonomous manner, as they will be unable to rely on timely logistical resupply and/or operational guidance from ground-based mission support teams. One means of increasing autonomy is by incorporating intelligent (i.e., smart) technologies into the mission architecture and habitat design.”

    Journal Impact Factor: 3.1

    Funding: “This study was funded by the NASA Human Research Program and performed as part of the Human Health and Performance Contract [grant number NNJ15HK11B] at the NASA Johnson Space Center and is also supported by NASA as part of the NASA Space Technology Research Institute (STRI) Habitats Optimized for Missions of Exploration (HOME) ‘SmartHab’ Project [grant number 80NSSC19K1052].”

  • Pischulti PK, Klaus DM.A systems approach for characterizing human deep space mission anomaly response capabilities and functional constraints.Space Saf Eng. 2024 Dec;11(4):550-63.Note: From the abstract: “Human exploration of Mars and beyond will demand unprecedented levels of onboard self-sufficiency due to the exceedingly far distances from Earth and lengthy mission durations. This paradigm shift will require the development of novel anomaly response architectures to protect future crews adequately from anomalies and failures. In this paper we outline and demonstrate a process to identify and evaluate key factors that affect the anomaly response process for deep space operations

    Journal Impact Factor: 1.0

    Funding: “This study was funded by NASA under grant number 80NSSC19K1052 as part of the NASA Space Technology Research Institute (STRI) Habitats Optimized for Missions Exploration (HOME) ‘SmartHab’ Project.”

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